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Support Our Seniors by Donating

All charitable contributions to SOSN are tax deductible to the extent approved by United States law.  PACE (Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment), a non-profit 501.c.3 corporation serves as SOSN’S fiscal sponsor in the interim while SOSN is in the process to apply for a non-profit status.

Donations will be used for SOSN operational expenses such as social network and webpage expenses, insurance costs, events to advocate for senior rights including advocating  for replacement of senior facilities that provide bilingual and bicultural services and programs that Keiro sold to Pacifica Companies in 2016.

When donating by Check,  Credit Card, PayPal, or Zelle, please provide the following information so that we can mail you an acknowledgement letter which can be used for tax deduction purpose:
1. Your Name   2. Your Address   3. Email Address   4. Phone Number (optional)

We appreciate your support and assistance to help us advocate for our seniors… our precious  “Ojiichans” and our “Obaachans”.

Donate with Credit Card or PayPal

Donate with Zelle

Donate directly from online banking with Zelle

Send to our email at

Donate with a check

Checks should be made payable to Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment-SOSN  and mailed to:

Attention K. Suzuki, SOSN Fiscal Director

4874 W. 134th Street

Hawthorne, CA. 90250